Witness the power of ice as a brand marketing tool.  Ice is a simple yet effective medium for promoting a product or brand and engaging an audience. Whether through live interaction or an online campaign, our ice will create mind-blowing results.
BBC Frozen Planet II
Bitcoin Logo
2m high logo Flame Pillars
Grey Goose Vodka Logo Ice Sculpture
Bitcoin Live Ice Carving
Swedish experience 1m ice wall
Tablets – colour snowfill & sunnies
Rolex Watch
Tablet Logo (50cm x 50cm) Sealife
Media Monks Mountain Ice Sculpture
Hublot Logo
KFW Colour Logo
ISES Summer logo colour
Floridita Ice Logo
FitFlop 3D logo
Large Stoli Display 3D Sculpture
Coors Light 3D Logo Sculpture
Colour Snowfill – 1m x 1m Wall – Fast Forward
Rocket Ice Sculpture with AdColony logo engraving
British Gas engraved logo
Black Moth Vodka Ice Wall
Seven Capital Group 50cm x 50cm tablet
3D Hulk Logo- Barcelona
‘WOW’ Microsoft Vista Promotional Launch
3D NVN Logo
3D Jaguar logo
AVIVA Logo with Hot Air Balloon Ice Sculpture
Franco’s London ‘Wine Tasting’ promotional ice sculpture
1m x 1m logo – losange
Brand Awareness Campaign for the European Cup Finals
Disc logo ice sculpture with colour snowfill
Thomas Cook Airlines Ice Melt Competition
“Smirnoff Black Ice Gives Away £50,000 in the World’s Biggest Melting Ice Cube”
Aquarium Ice Wall
Iceberg Vodka Luge
3D Sky Logo
Isabel Hardman ‘carves’ an Ice Sculpture for This Week
Logo engraved in colour for a corporate event
Somerset House Tablet on angle
Brit Awards After Party Ice Sculpture for BeringIce
Cadburys #meltwithjoy Ice Penguin
Chaucer Group’s engraved logo vodka luge
1m wide replica of the Mars logo in ice
Snowbombing Ice Melt Promotion
Oil Refinery Replica Ice Sculpture for Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
S & J Wedding Ice Sculpture
3D Logo Noel
Malibu Hot Bottle Melt Promotion
3D logo – Handshake with colour logos
British Airways ‘Winter Sale’ Campaign
3D Logo Wella
3D Citi Logo Ice Carving
Origins UK Product Launch Ice Sculpture
X Men 2 DVD Promotion Ice Sculpture
Coca Cola Bottle Replica Ice Sculpture
3D Logo Light-bulb
Milk Logo Luge
Sky Logo Wall
North Face Tablet
Bottle Pepsi Max 1m
Business Awards Ice Sculpture
TK Maxx’s Christmas Shopping Promotional Campaign
2D Eis Haus Logo Tablet
Tickets in Ice
Zero Petroleum Plane Sculpture
GTK25 Logo
Cadillac Ice Sculpture with logo sponsorship branding